Enroll for ‘Passport to Communication Skills’ course by Marwadi University

Passport to Communication Skills is a free online course which has been introduced by our Marwadi University in association with Udemy. At our University, we believe that strong communication skills are one of the major keys to success and by introducing this course; we have taken one step towards providing these skills. Also, this online course is open to all individuals, irrespective of whether they are associated with our Marwadi University or not. So, enroll for the course today and make the most of it.
Since the advent of language, communication has played a key role in the lives of human beings. It is one of the key reasons behind the rapid advancement of human civilisation and it will continue to do so.

In the present world, communication plays a major role in the personal and professional life of an individual. Effective communication skills are a valuable asset and can prove to be helpful footsteps for one’s success.

At Marwadi University, we understand the importance of such skills and we are aware of the role good communication skills can play in a student’s life. Thus, we are offering an online certification course named ‘Passport to Communication skills’ in association with Udemy, the online learning platform. This module of this online course is handled by our scholarly professors and it can be pursued for free of cost if registered through Marwadi University.
Know more about this online course offered by our Marwadi University here.

About the course:

‘Passport to Communication skills’ is a world-class online course which is being offered by Marwadi University in association with Udemy. Udemy is an online learning platform which has gained a lot of recognition across India. This course aims to create confident leaders who have strong communication skills.
Furthermore, this online course has been designed especially for the students who have completed their school life and are all set to enter their degree course. But it can be pursued of individuals across all ages as well. The course consists of four units which take about four hours each to complete. The first unit covers the aspects of introducing oneself while the second unit includes a session on conversation skills. The third unit comprises of reading skills and the fourth unit teaches writing skills.

The outcome of our course:

Learning communication skills can never go in vain. Moreover, as this online course has been designed to enhance the communication skills of individuals, it will provide promising outcomes. Thus, by the end of the course, an individual will be able to:
  • Introduce themselves effectively
  • Initiate and participate in conversations
  • Analyse, interpret and comprehend
  • Write letters and formal applications

Benefits of our online course:

Apart from the helpful outcomes, ‘Passport to Communication skills’ also provides many benefits. These benefits have a prolonged effect and can make a lasting impact for a lifetime. A few of those benefits have been stated as below:
  • ‘Passport to Communication skills’ can help an individual to sharpen their language skills.
  • It can help one to present their ideas effectively.
  • Strong communication skills are must-have skills at managerial levels.
  • It will enable you to create a positive impact on the people around you.
  • The online course is a must-learn skill for a successful professional career. 

Thus, take one step towards success. Register for our ‘Passport to Communication skills’ online course today and make the most of it!

[Note: This course is free only if you pursue this course through Marwadi University.]


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