Promoting equality and diversity on campus

This article refers to how we, at Marwadi University, incorporate equality and diversity in the lives of our students. Further, you will find how the terms – equality and diversity influence the attitude, opinions and structure of our students.

What do equality and diversity mean to Marwadi University?

Marwadi University is committed to creating an environment where diversity is valued and celebrated. It is a platform where our students can develop to their full potential. Everyone should enjoy full benefits the University provides regardless of any personal characteristics like gender, race, color, ethnic, origin, disability, religious belief, age, economic background, family or any other irrelevant distinction.

Marwadi University has a legal and moral responsibility to recognize the discrimination made in the above-mentioned characteristics. This is to ensure that our students and staff are treated with equity and fairness. Every individual present on campus is treated and acknowledged with respect and dignity.

Marwadi University has always sought to go beyond the minimum requirements need in embracing diversity. Our aim is to create an inclusive culture and welcoming environment at our university. Moreover, no one on campus should face unfair discrimination. Along with the university, the role of our students is also crucial in achieving this aim. Students and faculties are supposed to follow rules and regulations made by the university religiously. Together we should thrive for a healthy study environment for everyone

The role of the Marwadi University

·         To support the idea of equality and diversity and promote it through awareness programmes
·         To provide assistance to both staff and students in maintaining equality at the university.
·         To ensure our students are well aware of best practices to incorporate diversity in their lives.

Benefits of equality and diversity

·         Better outcomes
We believe equality is a core to achieving high-performance outcomes. Moreover, our aim is to provide equality in terms of opportunities to everyone irrespective of any preferences and differences. This will further help to improve the quality of life of our students.
·         Improvement in performance
Diversity assists in improving performance and delivering high quality work efficiently and effectively
·         Demonstration of accessibility and accountability
When there is a fair demonstration of transparency, accessibility and accountability in the University, students are able to build trust. This is why at Marwadi University we are well-versed with it and equality and diversity are assessed. As a result, there is a meaningful involvement of students from different cultures. Further, stronger relationships will be built among them.
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